Specialist Apiculture Consulting

We have the skills and capability required to support the whole apiculture and hive related value chain to deliver economic, societal and environmental benefits.


Stimulating growth of the apiculture sector 

Supporting economic development, value chain interventions and trade by working with SMEs, corporations and cooperatives on production, harvesting, processing, packaging, marketing, standards, certification and markets.


This includes:

Bee husbandry - keeping bees in traditional, improved and modern systems, and managing bee health.

Bee husbandry

Hive-products - harvesting, processing and packaging honey, beeswax, bees and queen bees, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom.


Equipment for beekeeping and value chains - designing, producing and dealing with everything from bee suits and hives to bottling equipment and processing facilities; using appropriate equipment for different environments.


Pollination services management - pollinating crops to increase yields and commercial benefit, and pollinating plants in natural habitats for environmental services.


Generating economic, societal and environmental benefits

Promoting poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, youth employment, refugee self-reliance and community group development; and mitigating risks of natural disasters.

Using beekeeping in conservation and protected area management, climate smart initiatives and habitat enrichment.
